Friday, December 28, 2007

TPing art and rules

Someone loves us enough to TP our house. I have no problem with being TPed but there are rules.
Rule #1 You do not TP on a rainy night!!!!! This is the ultimate rule of TPing and should never be broken. Those that break this rule should have to come and clean up the nasty mess they left.
Rule # 2 You do not TP some one's house when you truly have bitter feelings towards them because it makes you want to do mean things rather than all in the spirit of fun things.
Rule #3 You can only dish out what you are willing to take so Jill be prepared for payback!
Rule # 4 Receipts- If you are going to plan a TP attack please be smart enough to not leave the receipt from purchasing the toilet paper on the lawn of the house you are attacking. It can be a dead give away as to who decorated the yard and can leave you wide open for revenge.
Rule #5 Technique is very important and should be practiced before hand if you are bad at it.
Rule # 6 Don't waste the roll. I found like 5 half rolls unused in the decorating process.
What other rules can you come up with???
I do have to say that they did a pretty good job on our house. I took the pictures whan it was almost all cleaned up.
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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Child labor

Do these pictures scare you? Yes, this is my son Zerin on top of my mothers roof working with Cameron and his uncles. My husband grew up doing construction. He has memories of driving forklifts when he was as young as 6 yrs old ( these memories are factual- I checked with his mother). Needless to say Zerin up on a roof does not phase him at all. In fact he felt like Zerin was behind in his construction training. The thought of my 6 year old son up on a two-story roof would have made me extremely nervous about 7 years ago but now... it is just part of the game. So my question is... would you let your son/daughter (because- oh yes Natalie has helped on a roof as well) help reroof a house or use power tools or things like that?

This is my safety concious husband teaching his nephew the basics of cheating the safety devise on a nail gun. This is a fun game he and his brother would play with each other as teenagers. Good thing he has grown up since then.
I am sure some might have issues with my children helping roof a house or other things like using power tools and so forth but I do have to say I am glad that my children are learning skills. These skills are very valuable and can help many people... like grandma.

I do have to say that Cameron is very good about teaching them how to do things safely and intellegently. He does not let them just goof off and play in a construction zone. If this was not the case they would not be up on the roof.
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Bloggers Block

I had the wonderful chance to go to my mom and dad's house for the Thanksgiving holiday and spend time with them. I was able to spend some one on one time with both my mom and dad which I haven't been able to do for a long time and my kids were able to spend good quality time with them both as well. We had a blast! I got to work a little bit with my dad and cook a lot with my mom. It was great! My soul needed the trip. We also got to visit with all of my family which is always a lot of fun. The kids love their cousins and the friendships they have with them are incredible. it doesn't seem to matter how long it has been since they have seen each other they just pick up where they left off and play and love being together. I love that.
I guess I have had blogger's block for a while because of our trip and getting back into the normal routine.
Aren't my parents cute!! They are incredible people.

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunday Readers

Here are my three smart kids. Zerin Is a pretty good reader but he is in denial about it. It is not his favorite sport. He believes reading is only done for homework reasons anything else needs to be read to him by mom.... this is true reading denial.
Natalie on the other hand loves to read and tries to read everything she picks up. She is becoming a pretty good reader too.
Then there is our genius baby. Here is Jane reading her first book at 3 months. What can I say she totally gets her brains from me... OK maybe not but she can hold things.
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The haircut blues

As you can tell I am doing a lot of updating tonight. It has been a crazy week! This is a picture of Z just after I cut his hair. He hates haircuts. This is his best I hate haircuts face.

My piano surprise

Cameron brought home this cool piano. He bought it from a guy he was doing some work for. It will be perfect for teaching my kids how to play the piano. Yes, I can play the piano- It is one of those talents I have tried to hide. I just can't play in front of others so I have been hiding it so I wouldn't be called upon at church to play. Maybe I will practice and get better at playing in front of others...maybe not-I need a lot of practice first.
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Zerin was Optimus Prime (Leader of the Autobots) He has loved the Transformers for years and has now fulfilled his dream of becoming one

Natalie was the most beautiful Cinderella that there could be. She was just excited because I l let her wear mascara and no glasses to school. This is a picture of her and her teacher - Kinderella.

And here is Jane the cutest mermaid of all time. "New sea shells?" (line from the movie The Little mermaid)

So here they are in there costumes. I am dressed up as a fat girl. I am really a size 4.
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Saturday, October 27, 2007

My Hero

It is official--My husband Cameron just got a great new job! This new job will be great for his resume, career, and our livelihood (which is always nice). He will have to commute but it will be worth it. He is excited and I am very proud of him!!!!!!!!!

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Friday, October 26, 2007

Technology has ruined me

So our cable and internet services went out on Wednesday and I have been a little out of sorts. I guess I hadn't realized how much I depend on technology to handle things in my life. I do everything with the computer. What did we do with computers before the internet anyway??? I am happy to be back online and there is now balance back in my life. Wow I am pathetic. Denae what did you say about blogging isn't essential in life? I might not be the best blogger but I sure doing it and reading others. It is a great way to stay in touch and communicate. It is addicting but we will just call it a hobby.

Natalie : The best big sister ever!

I took these really cute pictures of Nat so this is All about Natalie time. I have an almost 5 year old ball of fire named Natalie. Natalie is a wonderful sister to her baby sister Jane and to her older brother Zerin. Natalie is a very big helper to me. She is the best big sister ever!!! She is always getting something for me or throwing stinky things away for me and she does all of this with a smile on her face. Natalie is very smart and even more important kind to everyone. Natalie loves to write and draw and play with our dog Papaya. Natalie is a true blessing in our home. She is beautiful inside and out!
Celia I need training on how to do the pictures cool like everyone else.
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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pumkin Farmer?

Let's clairify "Cameron's Dream" of becoming a pumkin farmer - this is more of a lazy ambition that he likes to pursue when the hectic, rat-race nature of his typical day is just a bit too much to handle. He finds it to be a better release than using words like !@#$ and !@#$#% (which he picked from work... and his brother).
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Cameron the Pumpkin Farmer

Here are some pictures of our three little pumpkins we have been growing since early this year. The one in the middle is my favorite.

My husband Cameron loves to garden. He has always had this great dream of becoming a pumpkin farmer. This last spring as he planted our garden he asked me if he could quit his job and become a pumpkin farmer. I told him that he should first see if he could grow pumpkins successfully. Well here are the pumpkins so I guess I will let you know when we open our pumpkin patch.- It probably won't be this year.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

IT Help

OK those of you that need technical help to navigate through the blog- I won't mention any names - Stacy- here is a post for you. If you want to leave a comment click on the word comment (in small print) that is below this message. thanks for all the comments. This really is fun.

Friday, October 19, 2007

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All about Jane

I love each of my children but their are days I would love for time to stand still so I can just sit and hold my sweet little baby Jane. She is such a good baby and time is just going by way to fast! She is already almost 3 months old and growing so much. If time could just slow down --even just a little. Here are some pictures that I took today. Yeah I know--She is beautiful

Zerin the Great

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1st graders know everything.

I did not know that 1st graders knew everything and is never wrong. My big first grader confirmed this to me today. What happened between kindergarten and first grade to bring about this vast knowledge? What happens in second grade? Do they then know absolutely everything or is second grade the pinnacle where things start to go down hill? Zerin seems to think he knows the words to the "Transformers" song. Well - he is way off but he insists that he sings the right words. Does anyone really know the right words to the Transformers song?
Zerin's version: Transformers more than meets disguise....yeah it just gets worse.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rule # 1

OK first lesson -check spelling. I am really not that bad at spelling, I was just too busy trying to ignore my kids to create this blog. Sometimes moms have to ignore their children at a subconscious level to accomplish things- or am I the only bad mom that does that?

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Blog challenged

Let's try this again Here are some pictures of my three Kids. Zerin is my 6 year old boy with Payapa our dog, Natalie is our big almost five year old, and Jane is our adorable almost three month old perfect baby. OK so pictures are there and I don't know exactly what I am doing but hopefully I will get better at this.

Here I am

OK... I am finally setting up my blog. I have great goals that I want to accomplished by doing this blog. I have always been the worst journal writer on the planet and I have been really bad about taking pictures of my kids lately. So my blog will now be the closest thing I am going to get to a journal and well... you can't post without a picture - the pictures are what it is all about.
Also now my family can see what we are up to when ever they want.
For those of you that do not know me I am a 30 year old stay at home mom. I have three kids...well four if you count my husband. We live in the Bay Area of California.
OK enough of the typing lets see the kids.
I have been trained by Celia the blog master. Lets see how good of a student I am.