Friday, December 28, 2007

TPing art and rules

Someone loves us enough to TP our house. I have no problem with being TPed but there are rules.
Rule #1 You do not TP on a rainy night!!!!! This is the ultimate rule of TPing and should never be broken. Those that break this rule should have to come and clean up the nasty mess they left.
Rule # 2 You do not TP some one's house when you truly have bitter feelings towards them because it makes you want to do mean things rather than all in the spirit of fun things.
Rule #3 You can only dish out what you are willing to take so Jill be prepared for payback!
Rule # 4 Receipts- If you are going to plan a TP attack please be smart enough to not leave the receipt from purchasing the toilet paper on the lawn of the house you are attacking. It can be a dead give away as to who decorated the yard and can leave you wide open for revenge.
Rule #5 Technique is very important and should be practiced before hand if you are bad at it.
Rule # 6 Don't waste the roll. I found like 5 half rolls unused in the decorating process.
What other rules can you come up with???
I do have to say that they did a pretty good job on our house. I took the pictures whan it was almost all cleaned up.
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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Child labor

Do these pictures scare you? Yes, this is my son Zerin on top of my mothers roof working with Cameron and his uncles. My husband grew up doing construction. He has memories of driving forklifts when he was as young as 6 yrs old ( these memories are factual- I checked with his mother). Needless to say Zerin up on a roof does not phase him at all. In fact he felt like Zerin was behind in his construction training. The thought of my 6 year old son up on a two-story roof would have made me extremely nervous about 7 years ago but now... it is just part of the game. So my question is... would you let your son/daughter (because- oh yes Natalie has helped on a roof as well) help reroof a house or use power tools or things like that?

This is my safety concious husband teaching his nephew the basics of cheating the safety devise on a nail gun. This is a fun game he and his brother would play with each other as teenagers. Good thing he has grown up since then.
I am sure some might have issues with my children helping roof a house or other things like using power tools and so forth but I do have to say I am glad that my children are learning skills. These skills are very valuable and can help many people... like grandma.

I do have to say that Cameron is very good about teaching them how to do things safely and intellegently. He does not let them just goof off and play in a construction zone. If this was not the case they would not be up on the roof.
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Bloggers Block

I had the wonderful chance to go to my mom and dad's house for the Thanksgiving holiday and spend time with them. I was able to spend some one on one time with both my mom and dad which I haven't been able to do for a long time and my kids were able to spend good quality time with them both as well. We had a blast! I got to work a little bit with my dad and cook a lot with my mom. It was great! My soul needed the trip. We also got to visit with all of my family which is always a lot of fun. The kids love their cousins and the friendships they have with them are incredible. it doesn't seem to matter how long it has been since they have seen each other they just pick up where they left off and play and love being together. I love that.
I guess I have had blogger's block for a while because of our trip and getting back into the normal routine.
Aren't my parents cute!! They are incredible people.

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