So one saturday I went to get my hair done and when I got home a few hours later this is what I found as I opened the front door. Cameron decided to build and install a slide on our stairs!?!! They gathered up all the pillows from the entire house to stop them from running into the couch. Needless to say I was a little surprised when I opened the door but after being married to Cameron for almost 10 years I am used to being greeted by the unexpected when he is left to care for the children by himself for too long. The kids loved it and everyone enjoyed the fun slide for hours. What can I say... I married a big kid that knows how to build things. This is makes for a fun/ crazy/ sometimes ulmost scary combo in child rearing. At least fun was had by all... I even tried out the slide and it was pretty cool.
Nat giggled or screamed with delight everytime she went down.
Zerin had his friend Jacob over to play that day. I wonder what his mom thought when he told her that Zerin's dad made and screwed a slide on the stairs for them to play on???
Jane loved every second of it. She has no fear!
Zerin the dare devil himself went down this slide in every direction and position imaginable.
How fun! We should have thought of that in November! They look like it was a ball. My kids still talk about the slide races in your apartment in Provo! Fun memories!
Hey, We are just gonna have to make a trip out to you when you have that baby. Keep us posted I am anxious to see her. And if she is anything like Jane was as a baby, you may need hospital security their, cuz I might just have to take her home with me. xoxoxoox
I need some advice
I'm Looking to buy [url=][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or TV [url=][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For an apartment I'mbuying now.
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I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:
looking forward to your reply
[url=][img]  [/img][/url]
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