Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rule # 1

OK first lesson -check spelling. I am really not that bad at spelling, I was just too busy trying to ignore my kids to create this blog. Sometimes moms have to ignore their children at a subconscious level to accomplish things- or am I the only bad mom that does that?


Celia Fae said...

You aren't the only bad mom. It is good for children to learn to fend for themselves. You are helping them with a valuable lesson.

D-dawg said...

very cute pictures Katie. I'm glad you've entered the blogging world! And don't worry, blogging is filled with guilt issues... so you'll have to get used to that.

Audry said...

Glad to see you've join the ranks...cute pics..

Brigitta said...

Very cute pictures of the kids and especially Jane. So glad you joined the blogging world.